Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Playing Online Poker For A Living

Playing online poker for a living is absolutely doable, but it takes a combination of talent, dedication, patience, discipline and disposition to succeed.

You must study and constantly work on the weak parts of your game. Reading a book like "Texas Holdem for Advanced Players" once, will not be good enough. You will have to read it over and over, and you must truly consume, study and learn it. You must take the game seriously at all times, maintaining your focus and always continue to learn, even when you are away from the table.

Knowing where and at what times the the loosest middle and upper limit poker games are played are the number one secret for those that play professional poker online. Online poker professionals win most of their money from the weak players(fishes-suckers), so finding a table with two or three fishes on it, is extremely important if you want to succeed at this game. Tight and conservative poker tables are not profitable to play on, even for the professionals.

Finding the right table to play on will take some time and effort from your side, but will definately be worth it if you are serious of making a living playing this great and complex game.

There are some great benefits playing online poker for a living compare to live casino poker.

*No intimidation from other players.

*No waiting around for a table.

*You can play wearing your socks only.

*No travelling expences.

*You pay no tips to the dealer.

*The rake is much lower.


Constantly change your style of play. Don't be predictable in your betting patterns.

Keep reading and practicing the game as often as possible.

Playing interactive poker on a Turbo Software program combined with reading a great poker book like Hold'em for advanced players is the best way of improving your game."

Only play in poker rooms that has a few fishes at the table.

Only play with money you can afford to loose. Have a poker bankroll and keep a record of your wins and losses.

Always give the game 100% of your attention when you are sitting at the table.

Take some time away from the poker table if you have suffered more than three consecutive losses.

Win more by playing fewer hands. A bet saved is the same as a bet won. Play quality hands and fold the junk, and you will see your bank-roll increase.

Webmaster for TRUE POKER GUIDE A website providing information on rules and strategies for all poker games played at home, online and in casinos today.

How to Play Online Poker and Win Successfully

There are more than two dozen different poker strategies that can help you win online Texas holdem tournaments. However, many of those strategies are not as effective when you play online poker because of the variances in the online game. Nevertheless, adapting your style of play to win online Texas holdem tournaments can be a productive and profitable move.

In order to find the right style of play to win your online Texas holdem tournaments, you need to be aware of two important factors. One is to focus on the types of players you are playing against and the other is being able to correctly choose your starting hands.

Player Types

The Internet poker world is loaded with a variety of unknown players and styles. It is never so cut and dry as to put someone on a hand when they bet or raise, simply because you may have never played against them and you really do not know their style.

Generally speaking, the style of player is most directly related to the stakes of the game. Therefore, if you are playing in a low limit Texas holdem tournament, you are likely to run up against a lot of inexperienced, loose players. These types of players usually only know one or two poker strategy techniques, such as bluffing or raising on the button.

As you progress into higher stakes, you will find players that are more conservative and take less risks in chasing their draws or bluffing huge to win a small pot. If you find you can only play low limit Texas holdem tournaments until you are able to build your bankroll, then be aware that many players will be loose, bluffers, chasers, and donkeys. It is important to adjust your style by countering these types and playing a lot tighter.

Starting Hands

The secondary and equally important factor in playing no limit Texas holdem tournaments is your starting hand selection. While high pocket pairs and medium suited connectors are great hands, you want to play them according to your position on the table.

For example, a high pocket pair in early position is best played with a limp or min raise, to encourage action, especially at a loose table. On the other hand, the same hand is best played aggressively in late position or on the button, to take down the pot pre-flop.

You want to get into the habit of maximizing your wins when you have a strong hand so you can build your chips throughout the no limit Texas holdem tournaments. Chip building is extremely important to be able to survive the later blind and ante levels.

Assess each Texas holdem tournament you enter with the same outlook, focus on the players, paying attention to the way they play the hands they raise and showdown with, as well as how they bet their hands. Use that information to help you make decisions on how to play your best starting hands to maximize your chips in the pot.

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How To Win Money Playing Online Poker

Do you enjoy playing online poker? I would imagine that the majority of people who are reading this article will have answered this question in the positive. I am somebody who loves playing poker, but only when I win. I do not see it as a hobby; I see it as a battle of wills and a chance to win some money. In this article I will be writing about my online poker strategy to winning money.

I know a lot of people who play online poker, their ages range from nineteen to fifty-seven, quite a broad range, however they are mainly aged in their thirties. I often ask these people how they are getting on and if they are up or down. I am astonished by the amount of times I have heard people say; I was doing really well last week until Saturday night, on this night I was down big style, I was drunk though.

They put their losses down to the fact that they were drunk. When I press them further and suggest that maybe they should not play when they are drunk, they come back with the fact that they really enjoy playing poker when they are in a drunken state. It is as if losing money does not matter to them, perhaps it doesn't.

How many other people who play on the online poker tables have the same attitude? I would say that plenty of them do.

For me poker is a game of patience, you need to keep your discipline and wait for the right hands to come up. It is worth a little bluff from time to time when you play this type of tight game as your opponents will start to believe that you only ever bet when you have a good hand.

I tend to win the big money quite late at night, possibly due to the fact that my fellow players are worse for wear and have now lost their discipline. I play a cautious and patient game but go for the kill when I have the winning hand. I hope that this strategy works, one last tip, do not play poker when you are drunk.

Steve Hill is a webmaster from Birmingham, he has interests in a number of websites including:

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How Do I Win at Online Poker?

If you want to learn how to win at online poker, follow these Texas hold em quick tips. The basics of Hold'em and the best way to win at online poker are found in having a solid no limit Hold'em strategy.

Texas Hold'em Mathematics

The first Texas Hold'em no limit strategy is to make sure you have a basic understanding of the mathematics of the game. Since there is a finite number of possibilities in a deck of cards, the mathematics can easily be explained.

You want to know what the Texas Hold'em poker odds of making a flush or straight are, as well as what are the probabilities of making a set or even a pair. A quick study of the Texas Hold em Mathematics will give you an edge against your opponents. In addition to knowing the math, you want to have good Texas hold em starting hands.

Texas Hold'em Starting Hands

A critical point to avoid losing a lot of poker chips is to make sure your starting hands are relatively high in percentages to win. For example, there are 169 distinct starting poker hands, and of these, only 10% win most of the time in the long term. Although, a bad starting hand like 9 2 off suit can win on occasion it does not win often enough to allow you to consistently win at online-poker.

Get in the habit of learning the best starting hands to play as well as the position you have on the poker table. After all, your Hold'em probability increases with position and less players in the hand.

Texas Hold'em When To Fold

This is certainly one of the hardest Hold'em strategy tips for many new players to understand. Folding your poker hand when you believe you may be beat or when it may knock you out of a poker tournament or cash game might just be the best poker advice.

Many players will complain, "I can't win at online poker", and part of that reason is because they do not know when to fold their poker hand. Even if you think your opponent is bluffing, if the board looks like you may be beat (for example a flush or straight, when you just have a pair), you may want to fold and move onto the next hand.

Remember; in order to consistently win at online-poker you need to survive long enough to make the money, especially in a Hold'em no limit tournament. You may lose the hand, however, as long as you have some poker chips left, you can get further in the poker tournament and give yourself a chance to win at online poker

Discover plenty of Texas Hold'em strategy tips and the best way to win by following easy to learn poker strategy. Pay attention to your starting hands and make good decisions in position to either hold'em or fold'em.

Discover more Texas Hold'em tournament tips and ways to win poker tournaments, Grab your FREE copy of the eBook How to Succeed as a Professional Online Poker Player by clicking this Free Poker Book link.

See the secret these players used to amass $25 million dollars worth of wins in online poker.

Secret to Win Online Poker Tournaments

You will hear dozens of people tell you multiple strategies to winning online poker, and for the most part, their advice is reasonably accurate. However, online poker is quite different than live poker, mainly because online poker sites use a computer-generated set of codes, algorithms, and software to determine hand outcomes and winners.

In a live game, the deck is subjected to a truly random set of circumstances beyond the control of players, dealers, and the house. Unless the deck is stacked, the odds and statistics in a live game are more accurate than in online poker. Unfortunately, Internet sites are easily able to manipulate the decks, outcomes, and even winners in any game.

Until recently, online pokersites were regarded as honest and fair businesses, then scandals after scandal broke with many pokersites admitting to cheating, collusion and hacking by staff and players alike. This prompted a drastic change in the way online sites shuffled, delivered, and dealt their decks. In addition, the sites also added in extra measures of security in the form of anti-collusion and anti-cheating software.

Online Poker Vs. Live Poker - The big difference!

The anti-collusion and anti-cheating software, however necessary for the integrity of the site, changed more than just the security of the game. It also changed the outcome of the deal. To explain further, one of the measures of anti-collusion is the ability to detect when a player or players have won too many hands consecutively.

When this occurs, the programs anti-collusion algorithms will come into play and cause the suspected colluders to lose, by offering a seemingly unbeatable hand or strong starting hand that ultimately loses by the river.

The disadvantage is that the computer program does not KNOW who really is colluding and therefore, if you play great cards and win several hands consistently, the program will inadvertently 'accuse' you of cheating and deliver you a bad beat!

Hard to believe? But TRUE! You honestly do not think you are getting all those bad beats for no apparent reason, especially when you never get that many bad beats in a live game!

So, what is really going on here?

As you can see, the algorithms are automatically monitoring your wins and when you have won a number of hands outside of the algorithms boundaries, it is determined you must be cheating. The pokersite's algorithms will then attempt to eliminate you from the game by giving you trap or trick hands that induce your play and ultimately lose.

Not fair is it?

No, it really is not fair that online poker sites have taken the skill out of the game and then try to level the field so anyone can win by sucking out or bad beating you. Why should a good player be penalized because he knows how to use position to win a pot even with the worst hand?

The Secret:

Now that you know what the online poker sites are doing behind the scenes and why you may be getting bad beats so often, you can do something about it! Learn how the algorithm works, what the boundaries are and avoid getting bad beats and losing to a donkey chasing his draws.

Discover the secret algorithms used by poker sites and how you can use them to build your poker bankroll in Paul Westin's Online Poker Code Crack.

Start winning poker by playing like a pro with the FREE easy guide 'How to Succeed as a Professional Online Poker Player'. Get your free copy now!

Tips on Winning in Online Poker - Play For Fun and Win Big Cash in the Process!

Web development has allowed us to play every single simple game we could think of by simply browsing the net. One of the most popular games that people have been playing on web-browsers has been online poker. This game has had millions of people from all over the world play it. People love this because unlike in real poker wherein you risk real money, in online poker you get to enjoy the same without having to risk a single cent. Because of its popularity, tips on how to win online poker have been sought by a lot of people from everywhere.

In online poker, you have to be aware that it is just a game that is far from what actual poker really is. So considering that you are only risking money that only exists in cyberspace, you have more freedom to do some moves that you cannot afford to do in real poker. If you think your hand is quite good then go ahead and put it all in.

However, you should also be aware that poker no matter what form it is would always be a game of balancing chance with the skill of deciding whether to go through or not. These tips on how to win online poker would help you get more comfortable of playing it but could never guarantee any win. So for you to increase chances of winning online poker rounds, practice is still the key to becoming one of the best in online poker.

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Winning Online Poker - The Truth

Online poker was forever thrust into the limelight when amateur Chris Moneymaker won the 2003 World Series of Poker main event, beating 838 other players to scoop the $2.5 million first prize. After entering for only $40 through winning a series of smaller Satellite tournaments for his seat at the main event, he cleared the path for poker players all around the world to chase the dream and life-changing winnings that a win in the biggest live poker tournament in the world can bring. Sponsorships with major poker websites, celebrity and cold hard cash lured many players to chase the Texas hold em dream.

The poker phenomenon instantly kicked into gear after the 2003 World Series of Poker. Late Night Poker showcased British talent, while the World Poker Tour emerged as the 'seasonal' version of the World Series, offering legitimate tournaments with a high cash buy-in to entice players into chasing that elusive big win. Opportunities for playing poker at every level suddenly became accessible to everyone.

As a natural continuation, professional players started to cash in on peoples thirst for knowledge of poker and created many strategy books teaching players the skills for them to 'make a living' online. Many people are now quitting their jobs to become a full-time online poker player. The BBC in the UK, have profiled more than one person who does just that, including young university students and even some single parents.

Both the good and bad thing about online poker is that there are so many players. Entering a tournament with twenty entrants is tricky enough, how about one of the $100 + $9 entries which are run daily in various poker rooms that have in excess of 1,500 entries? Even the best players struggle to continually cash in these events, but of course there is big money to the winners which keeps everyone coming back for more. The next tournament just may be the one that changes your life.

The big question is, can a new player make a living online? The answer is yes, but certain factors must be taken into account. Firstly there is the strategy part of the game which links to the players overall emotional make-up. Professionals talk about making good decisions. When the rent money is being staked does the player always make these good decisions? Will you call the all-in if you are on a marginal hand but have what you think is a good read?

There is the factor that a professional poker player does not contribute a great deal to society whilst they earn their living. Some people get terribly effected by this. There is also the social aspect, anyone who thrives on conversation may get pretty lonely playing in front of a computer all day at home. Winning poker means folding a lot of hands, are you patient enough to keep folding, day after day? To win you simply have to have this patience. The standard of online poker also improves everyday. You will notice good play everyday in your poker contests. It has never been more important to practise and study the basics, and advanced strategy. You always need to be working out pot odds, chip stacks, implied odds and looking for tells, because you can bet that your opponent is doing just that to you.

There is a large collection of poker DVDs, tutorial websites claiming to make you into a winning player. The truth is that there is are a lot of new players who gamble, especially in the lower stakes games that really do not know what they are doing. I use Poker Academy for practising, but nothing beats the real thing, as long as you always learn from every hand and be your own worst critic. The new player must be honest with themselves. Anyone can say they are good at poker, and most people do believe they are world series of poker bracelet contenders when few would realistically have what it takes to win one. Just because you know how to play means nothing. Learn to read people for live play and play the person as well as the cards. When playing online look for the long-term correct decisions to send you in the right direction. Think about the game, and learn each type of flop and be able to analyse and categorise each position you find yourself in. Eating, sleeping and breathing poker will not hurt either!

In summary, be realistic in your goals. Don't try and make a million from cash games unless you are playing within your bankroll. As with anything else, paying your dues and taking your time to prove you are a winning player before really going for the gold is very important. I wish you luck. Finally, blog about your efforts, this helps you to keep good records and entertain whilst doing it. Read other poker players blogs too, they are often very helpful in opening your eyes to something that you may not have considered.

If you enjoyed this poker article you will definitely enjoy visiting Mals Poker Website.

http://www.itsawinner.co.uk is the online home of Mal Clarke, and one of the best online poker blogs on the Internet with poker room reviews, hand analysis and links to the best poker videos.

Follow Mal on twitter by visiting http://www.twitter.com/pokerblogger